Event Organiser in Delhi

( Approved By Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India )

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BTL Promotional Activities

While most of the companies focus on advertising aspect of your marketing communication to the perfection, Ananta group specializes in creation of below-the-line promotion; it aims promotional techniques which aims to reach consumers more directly and are more within the organizational control. It includes different various interesting way of connecting with targeted groups. By using this technique a firm can keep control over its promotional efforts and does not have to pay the intermediates and other external agencies, so it is generally seen BTL promotion is cheaper and money saving.

Ananta group is one of the successful below the line marketing companies which promotes BTL promotions and meets the requirements of clients. This is one of the direct means of communication where costumers depends and relies on the immediate information. We organizes seminars, hoardings, events, exhibitions other necessary activities for the promotion of your company. Our crew members offering these services are trained professionals and experienced in respective assigned task. We offer a full customized solution based on specific requirement of the clients, and we have the ability mould the latest innovation in videos, audio and computer application to specific project.

Most agencies shy away from this BTL promotion because it really needs a real hard work but we can realize the importance of your company and marketing for your company and we have developed considerable capabilities in delivering services in this field.

Best Promotion Company uses mixture of corporate communication, brand guardianship, and most important marketing communication for promotion of BTL. We use presentations, binders, folders, flip charts, videos, audios, calendars, newsletters and other creative ideas with the above for the promotion of below-the line marketing companies. It helps to create positive environment through various public stunts.

Our skilled technocrats are experienced in content-writing, photo shoots, graphic creations, layout, animation and video and audio shoots, all the crucial skills which are important for good quality BTL promotional material, we target individual clients based on their needs or priorities and can lead directly to sail.

All our services are available and can work with the clients anywhere-anytime. So why not give us a try!!